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Ist Conference MetroGov3C

METROPOLITAN GOVERNANCE: Tensions, Practices and Challenges


The challenge of managing metropolitan areas is almost as old as the formation of these territories. Their persistence over time is justified both on the definition of the problems to be faced and on the construction of solutions. A city of cities is not just a bigger city. It is a new entity that generates specific demands that are now enhanced by a boiling social, technological, territorial and economic-financial context, with important repercussions on the daily lives of people, families, companies and institutions.

The emergence of new concerns and new constellations of actors as a result of globalization, the deregulation of key sectors of collective life, increased competitiveness and conflict, and even the weakening of typical power structures, make the debate surrounding this issue even more urgent. more effective, fair and efficient cooperative responses to the collective aspirations felt in a metropolitan context.

The 1st Metrogov3C Conference - Metropolitan Governance: Tensions, Practices and Challenges - intends to make a decisive contribution to this discussion without, however, taking as its starting point the need to migrate from traditional closed, exclusive, institutionalized and opaque instances of power to innovative open, participatory, transparent governance processes. and mobilizers where citizens are no longer seen as hostile to the exercise of power but co-producers and co-responsible for change, decision and solution.



“Thank you for everything. My last ask is the same as my first. I'm asking you to believe—not in my ability to create change, but in yours” Barack Obama, · Jan 11, 2017·Twitter for iPhone

“I alone can fix it” Donald Trump na Convenção Republicana, julho de 2016



Tavares, LV, "Como Governar Melhor? Do Estatismo Burocrático à Gestão das Dinâmicas em Redeapresentado na 1ª Conferência MetroGov3C - Governança Metropolitana: Tensões, Práticas e Desafios, Cascais, Portugal, Novembro 2019

Gonçalves, J, "Apresentação do Projeto - Governança na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa num contexto de conflito, competição e cooperaçãoapresentado na 1ª Conferência MetroGov3C - Governança Metropolitana: Tensões, Práticas e Desafios, Cascais, Portugal, Novembro 2019

Ramos, IL, Pinto, PJ, Silva, J, Santos, M, "Modelos de Governança na AML: O caso das Estruturas Ecológicas Municipais" apresentado na 1ª Conferência MetroGov3C - Governança Metropolitana: Tensões, Práticas e Desafios, Cascais, Portugal, Novembro 2019

Ferreira, JA, Almeida, JC, Pinto, PJ, "Modelos de Governança Metropolitana no Sul da Europa" apresentado na 1ª Conferência MetroGov3C - Governança Metropolitana: Tensões, Práticas e Desafios, Cascais, Portugal, Novembro 2019

Roseta, H, "Governança e Cidadania" apresentado na 1ª Conferência MetroGov3C - Governança Metropolitana: Tensões, Práticas e Desafios, Cascais, Portugal, Novembro 2019

Selada, C, "Cidades Inteligentes e Sustentáveis: Desafios da Governação" apresentado na 1ª Conferência MetroGov3C - Governança Metropolitana: Tensões, Práticas e Desafios, Cascais, Portugal, Novembro 2019


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